Friday, July 25, 2008

One week vacations

Hey guys!

I'll out of town for 9 days, starting *now*

I'll be back by the 4th August, so until now, any problems related to *AnnaH* (clothes, poses, whatever) please write a notecard or e-mail, because IM's will definitly cap! I will login now and then, but I don't know for how much time I'll be in-world, or what time I'll be able to enter, so don't wait for me!

Gotta run... Should be packing stuff right now!

Hummm I have to tell you.... the store at George 5 is almost ready :) and I have some cool stuff ready for when I come back do a hunt in the store! Lots of news and stuff I am not used to! But it will be cool, I promise!


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