Friday, March 21, 2008

My life... or not!

Spring is here, and I am needing a little colour in my life! What better than a red injection?

Marina is casual look for those hot days that will come (one day I hope, 'cuz it's cold... very cold). It has a red tank (in all layers, as usual), that you can combine with dark jeans or with a nautical skirt, or with both! Your choice! You can also use it as a babydoll! What else can you ask? Jeans have prim legs and the babyboll has a sweet bow in the back. The nautical skirt should be use with the belt that comes in the package too! Oh and I almost forgot, it brings some bracelets too!

After a relaxing evening spent in my boat, I needed to dress something quick yet fabulous for the spring party that I was going... Lots of paparazzi and crazy fans in the street, so I need to put my sunglasses and walk like a celebrity...

Sonya is the celebrity outfit! A pratical but super fashionable dark capri, with a super fashionable blouse and a super fashionable jacket! The jeans are dark and have prim cuffs, that match perfectly with the jacket. The jacket is actually a bolero, that you can wear with or withouth the flexi bottom. It has sulpted sleeves and prim collar. Everything in all layers so you can mix & match!

Marina and Sonya are also wearing hair by ETD, skins by Minnu Skins, shoes by ETD and LC VAMP. Sonya is wearing sunglasses from artilleri.

Hope you all like!


Monday, March 17, 2008

OMG how stupid can I be?

I just realised I forgot to leave a gift in my SLRFL - Clothing Fair Store! So, now in the table you can find a little gift! If I have time, I'll try to make more gifts during the Fair, but the important thing here is to HELP. To contribute buy the special items for the fair or make a donation in one of the many donation boxes around the sims!

I also have to say that I am so happy to be part of this year's Colthing Fair! And I think that everyone has done an amazing job! I would like to congrat all the members of the team behind this Clothing Fair. Pips Fetid has done an amazing job with all the sims and with much more! Personally, I have to thank to Nevar Lobo! He is a very nive person, always ready to help me and he became a very good friend with all this.

This is my store! It is in the Summer Sim, but I can garante you that is worth to go through all the sims in of the Fair! There are so many store, so many beautiful designs... omg I need to go buy some stuff... a lot of stuff!!!

And this is the little git I am giving away ONLY during the fair, and ONLY in the store at the Relay for Life Sim. It has shorts with sulpted cuffs, a purple tank (that is part of an outfit that will be released soon in another color), and a black bolero (that is the bolero of the Julia outfit, but in a different color!). I tried to mix & match some of my pieces, so I could do a special gift for everyone! I hope you like! I can say that I do love it!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Relay For Life - Clothing Fair

I can't be long... I am in a kind of vacations... So I'll be quick...

Tomorrow is the BIG day! Realy for Life will open it's doors! And you will not believe how amazing it is going to be! The sims are soooo beautiful... the stores are so amazing, and the designs are awesome, and the main reason is the one that comes from our hearts! So, don't forget to go there! It is really important and I am sure you are going to love it!

Don't forget that there will be 2 outfits from my store, that will be limited editions, only available during the fair. EVA and KATE will be both 250L$ but it's for a good cause, so, don't save your lindens in there! All proceeds will go to Relay for Life.

Both, Eva and Kate are beautiful dresses, for special ocasions, and I am sure you all are going to love them! Models in the pictures are also wearing hair by ETD, skins from *blowpop* and jewerly from Last Call and Sh*t Happens.

Don't forget... until there's a cure... there's a relay!
