Saturday, June 6, 2009

Meetings?! Anyone?!

Another quick but elegant look for today! How do you imagine a sucessfull bussiness woman, that jump from meeting to meeting, with future clients? I always imagine this type of woman in a pencil skirt! I am not sure why! My girl is going for lunch with a new/future client.

A black pencil skirt, with sheer stockings and a black top! To give some colour, a tailored red jacket! Acessorized with belt and necklace, and a clutch! All matching with silver booties! Big sunglasses and I think she looks classic without being boring!


Friday, June 5, 2009

A new way?

I've decided to give a new direction to this blog. So far it was kinda lost, lonely and with nothing new or interesting to know, except the releases I was posting in double (unsing my other blog).

From now on, I'll make it a style diary (well, diary is a way of saying, because it is impossible for me to post daily!) where I am going to mix my items, from .:StoRin:. with items from other stores. I may use both female and male styles, and do some crazy looks! Who knows?

I hope you like the new face of this blog! I also hope you will like the looks I have to show you! Please, for releases of .:StoRin:. read this blog where evertyhing is shown as soon as released!

For a first day I am going to do something really quick! A very confy sporty style, that is truly girly at the same time.

I've paired part of the Emma outfit, with the Cat mini skirt to make the look! Then because I am all about accessories I added the arm warmers and the efemera belt (that was a previous gift! if you don't have it, there are plenty colours available at the store!). Then I added leggings and the cuttest bag from Gritty Kitty! No make up for today, with a beautiful skin from Infinity!
